Category: Golf Swing

  • How To Take a Divot in Golf

    How To Take a Divot in Golf

    Taking a proper divot in golf is a good indicator of a good golf swing. Let’s teach you how to make a proper divot and what a divot says about your swing.

  • Golf Backswing

    Golf Backswing

    Making a natural takeaway in your backswing is critical in performing a consistently proper golf swing. Let’s break down the steps of a proper golf backswing.

  • Top of the Golf Swing

    Top of the Golf Swing

    The golf swing transition is the process of when the downswing occurs after the backswing. This is very important because it decides how you will proceed with the downswing. This small and subtle move can decide your tempo and create the proper sequence for the body to move in the proper ways. It can also give…

  • How to Swing a Golf Club

    How to Swing a Golf Club

    Learning how to swing a golf club is a challenge we look to refine and perfect over our entire life. Visiting a site like this is a great way to better understand the dynamics of your swing and how to make everything come together in harmony.

  • Gripping a Golf Club

    Gripping a Golf Club

    Your grip is the lifeline of your golf swing. You want your grip to position your club properly so you can allow smoother rotation with your body. When this occurs, you can then build momentum from the weight of the golf club head in order to release the club properly to increase club head speed…

  • Golf Stance

    Golf Stance

    I believe your golf stance is just as important as the golf grip. How you set up your posture when you are about to take a golf swing will promote and determine your body turn, swing plane and club plane.