Golf Backswing Falling Back

Why Do I Fall Back During My Golf Swing?

Falling back during a golf swing is a common problem that many golfers face. It can be frustrating and can negatively impact the quality of shots produced. Falling back during the swing can cause poor ball contact, loss of distance, accuracy issues and can be embarrassing if you end up completely losing your balance.

In this article, we will explore the possible reasons why golfers sometimes fall back during their golf swing and what can be done to prevent it.

Poor Weight Transfer 

One of the most common reasons why golfers fall back during their swing is due to poor weight transfer. This means that the golfer fails to transfer their weight properly from their back foot to their front foot during the downswing. Poor weight transfer can be due to a poor golf stance (more on that later), a poor backswing, or an incorrect swing sequence. The result is that the golfer leans backwards instead of staying balanced over their front foot, which causes them to fall back. This can lead to inconsistent ball contact and not being able to square up the clubface at impact.

To correct this issue, golfers should work on their weight transfer during the downswing. In any activity just like throwing a ball, weight must be transferred by stepping into the front side before anything else that moves ahead. So work on using your lower body by using the ground to feel that you can turn your hips and leg forward in order to transfer your weight. 

This can be achieved through proper practice and repetition. Golfers should also focus on their balance, posture, and swing mechanics to ensure that they are transferring their weight correctly.

Improper Setup 

Another possible reason why golfers fall back during their swing is due to an improper setup. If the golfer is not setting up properly, it can cause them to fall back during their swing. Common setup errors include standing too far from the ball, gripping the club too tightly, or having poor posture.

To prevent this issue, golfers should focus on a proper golf stance and make sure they are standing in the correct position. Many golfers stand too far away from the ball at setup. When you make contact, your arms are closer to your body from when you set up to create more power. So get your arms closer to your body so you can feel that your arms and body are working together. You can also relax the shoulders, arms and grip to make it all feel comfortable. 


Over-swinging can also cause golfers to fall back during their swing. Many golfers try to generate more power by over-swinging, which can cause them to lose their balance and fall back during their swing. Over-swinging can also lead to poor ball contact and a loss of accuracy. Golf isn’t baseball, you’re not trying to catch up to a 95mph fastball and a harder swing doesn’t often result in longer distance.

To prevent over-swinging, golfers should focus on proper swing mechanics by getting their lower body more involved.  It is easier and more comfortable to shorten a swing by starting the weight transfer earlier than to wait until your hands get to the top. This will create the proper sequence in the downswing to create more clubhead speed, more power and more consistent contact. Read my post on how to shorten your golf swing to prevent yourself from over-swinging.

Using Clubs not Fitted to You 

Using the wrong club can also cause golfers to fall back during their swing. If the golfer is using a club that is too long or too heavy for their swing, it can throw off their balance and cause them to fall back. Additionally, using a club with too little loft can result in the ball being hit too low, which can cause the golfer to lean back during their swing.  Everyone thinks they should get fit for clubs which can be costly but if you are an average build and height, standard clubs can work.  

Other factors include how tall you are, how much clubhead speed you can generate. Best thing to do is to improve your swing then get some advice on which clubs best fit you or you can always change your existing clubs specifications.

Lack of Practice 

Finally, falling back during the golf swing can be due to a lack of practice. Golf is a complex sport that requires muscle memory and repetition to master. If the golfer is not practicing regularly or is not receiving proper instruction, it can be difficult to correct swing faults that can result in falling back.

To prevent this issue, golfers should practice something simple. I tell my students to hold your follow-through at the end of their swing every time. Doing this during their practice swing is the best way to learn this as they are more focused on swinging the club and finishing the swing like they should instead of hitting a golf ball. The longer they hold the finish position the more the “muscle-memory” will become comfortable by swinging the club in the right sequence. 


To prevent falling back during your golf swing, it is important to work on your weight transfer, setup, swing mechanics, and club selection. Additionally, practicing regularly and seeking guidance from your local PGA Professional can help you correct any swing faults and improve your overall game.