Golf Grip Feature

Top Hand Grip Strength Can Improve Your Contact

Many players focus so much on performing the perfect golf swing that they forget about their golf grip and the proper grip strength to apply. Without the proper grip strength – especially with your top hand, you can struggle with contact and lack the ability to release the hands and clubs at their intended target. 

The percentage of hitting a good golf shot goes down drastically without the ideal strength to your grip. The way you hold your club can promote or prevent you from making good contact consistently. 

There are only three ways to hold the club with the top hand: weak, neutral or strong. Let’s discuss what each looks like and what it can do to your swing.

Weak Grip

This grip is held by many novice golfers who have not been told otherwise. This grip is not recommended for any level of golfer.

  • This grip is held more in the pocket of your palm so you will only be able to see your index finger knuckle or top of your glove tab
  • Your “V” created in-between your index finger and thumb is pointed more at your lead shoulder
  • If you are to raise your club up with that hand only, the club may slightly slip out of your hand
  • Knuckles or glove tab pointing more at the ground 

Weak Grip Results

  • Will not allow you to release the clubhead at impact
  • Not able to lag clubhead to increase speed 
  • Promotes more of a down-the-line or over-the-top club path but with an open face

Strong Grip

This grip is held by more common avid golfers who have a tendency to hit hooks or blocks. An easier fix to stop slicing.

  • This grip can be held with tighter pressure as you push down with your palm
  • Your “V” created in-between your index finger and thumb is more pointed to your back shoulder.
  • Able to see most of your glove tab from your eyesight at set up

Strong Grip Results

  • This grip will promote an earlier wrist hinge during the backswing which can cause a shorter swing radius, steep shaft angle and reverse weight shift
  • Promote an inside-out swing path which will create the toe to swing around to draw and hook 
  • Promotes a late release 
  • Easier to cast the club on the downswing

Neutral Grip

The word neutral says it all. It’s in-between the weak and strong top hand grip. However take note how your club lays in your top hand before you close it up and decide if neutral is right for you.

  • Club is angled at the bottom of your fingers where it’s held more in your fingers with the grip barely on the palm
  • Not overly controlling or gripping the club too tight
  • The “V” is more pointing towards your chin
  • Can see part of your glove tab and knuckles above index and middle fingers
  • Feel your fingers are a bit spread out and lower down the grip

Neutral Grip Results

  • Get hands slightly ahead of clubhead at setup to promote one piece takeaway
  • Able to work club at a better plane
  • Create clubhead lag with your wrists to keep them ahead of the clubhead until contact
  • Giving the club a complete release through impact 
  • Keeping the clubhead more square through the ball