Golfers Shaking Hands - Gentleman's Game

Why is Golf Called a Gentleman’s Game?

Golf, often referred to as the “gentleman’s game,” has a long and storied history dating back to the 15th century. Throughout its evolution, golf has garnered a reputation for being a sport that emphasizes sportsmanship, etiquette, and respect. But what exactly earned golf this esteemed title? In this article, we will delve into the origins and development of golf as a gentleman’s game, comparing it to other sports to understand why it stands out as a symbol of grace and dignity.

The Origins of Golf

The origins of golf can be traced back to 15th century Scotland, where it was initially played in an informal manner across open landscapes. It was an activity enjoyed by the Scottish nobility, who found it to be an excellent way to unwind and socialize. Over time, the game began to take on a more structured form, with rules and regulations put in place to standardize the sport.

One of the earliest written records of golf comes from 1457, when King James II of Scotland banned the game because it was interfering with military training for his troops. This early connection between golf and the ruling class set the stage for its reputation as a gentleman’s game.

Values in Golf

Golf embodies a number of values that are traditionally associated with gentlemanly behavior. These values include:

  • Honesty: Golfers are expected to be honest about their scores and to call penalties on themselves.
  • Respect: Golfers are expected to respect their fellow players, the course, and the game itself.
  • Humility: Golf is a difficult game, and even the best players make mistakes. Golfers are expected to be humble in victory and defeat.
  • Sportsmanship: Golfers are expected to be good sports, even when they are losing.

Examples of Gentlemanly Behavior in Golf

There are many examples of golf’s gentlemanly nature. For example, in 2013, professional golfer Brian Davis called a penalty on himself for a rules infraction that no one else saw. This act of honesty and sportsmanship was widely praised by the golf community.

The Ryder Cup has also produced a few notable examples of sportsmanship. One example is in 1999 when Payne Stewart (my golf idol growing up) conceding a singles match to Colin Montgomerie once the US clinched the Cup during a heated competition (driven by the craze after a long Justin Leonard putt). 

Another example from the Ryder Cup is in 1969 when American Jack Nicklaus conceded a 2-foot putt from Tony Jacklin which resulted in the first ever draw in a Ryder Cup. While a missed putt would have given the US the victory, Nicklaus didn’t want to give Jacklin the opportunity to miss the putt and become a huge scapegoat.

The Role of Etiquette in Golf

One of the most defining features of golf as a gentleman’s game is its strict adherence to etiquette. Golf etiquette encompasses a wide range of behaviors and traditions that promote respect, sportsmanship, and consideration for fellow players. Some of the key elements of golf etiquette include:

Silence During Swings

One of the most basic and widely observed acts of etiquette in golf is maintaining silence when a player is addressing the ball and making their swing. This courtesy ensures that players can concentrate fully on their shots. Golfers often signal for quiet by raising their club when they are about to take a swing.

Replacing Divots and Repairing Ball Marks

Golfers are expected to repair any damage they cause to the course. This includes replacing divots (chunks of grass and soil) on the fairway and repairing ball marks (indentations on the green made by a golf ball’s impact). Repairing these marks helps keep the course in good condition for others to enjoy.

Raking Bunkers

When a golfer plays a shot from a bunker (a sand trap), it’s customary to use a rake to smooth out the sand after the shot. This ensures that the bunker is in good condition for the next player and helps maintain consistency in the game.

Maintaining Pace of Play

Golfers are expected to keep the game moving at a reasonable pace. Slow play can be frustrating for other golfers on the course. Golfers should be ready to play when it’s their turn and avoid unnecessary delays.

Respecting Other Golfers

Golfers show respect for their fellow players by not talking or moving when someone is addressing the ball, not walking through someone’s putting line (the path between the ball and the hole), and not standing directly behind a player while they are preparing to putt.

Dressing Appropriately

Many golf courses have dress codes that require players to wear appropriate attire, such as collared shirts and slacks or shorts of a certain length. Adhering to these dress codes contributes to the overall atmosphere of respect and decorum on the course.

Honoring Rules and Scorekeeping

Golfers are expected to know and follow the rules of the game, including counting all strokes accurately. Integrity in scorekeeping is paramount in maintaining the fairness and sportsmanship of the sport.

Congratulating Opponents

It’s common for golfers to shake hands and offer congratulations to their opponents after a round of golf, regardless of the outcome. This gesture reflects the sportsmanship and respect inherent in the game.

Assisting in Lost Ball Searches

If a golfer’s ball is lost or difficult to find, fellow players often join in the search. This collaborative effort demonstrates camaraderie and a commitment to fairness.

Giving Right of Way

On the golf course, there are specific rules regarding who has the right of way, such as the group that is playing faster or has finished a hole. Golfers willingly yield the right of way to ensure a smooth flow of play and avoid any unnecessary delays.


Golf’s reputation as a gentleman’s game has deep historical roots and is nurtured by a strong commitment to etiquette and sportsmanship. While many sports offer intense competition and thrilling moments, golf stands apart for its unwavering dedication to preserving the ideals of dignity, respect, and fair play. It’s a sport where the principles of honor and integrity are as important as the scorecard, and where players are not just judged by their performance, but also by their character. 

Golfers are expected to be courteous and respectful, even when they are competing against each other. This is in contrast to some other sports, where players may be more likely to engage in trash talk or other forms of gamesmanship.